The Stress Management Institute Stress Management Consultants & Trainers since 1995 Stress Management Training Courses by Distance Learning

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"An excellent training course that has stimulated my interest in Stress Management enormously and has not only delivered but has facilitated learning".

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The Stress Management Institute. Est. 1995

Since our establishment in 1995 The Stress Management Institute has trained over two thousand individuals as Stress Management Trainers and has become the leading provider of Stress Management Courses within the Public Sector in the United Kingdom. Among our customers we count more than 150 businesses and organisations.

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Why train with The Stress Management Institute?

We are the specialists in Stress Management Training by Distance Learning and
our Stress Courses are popular world wide. Our experience, professionalism and commitment to quality make us the first Stress Management course of choice for individuals looking to enhance their skills portfolio or to start up their own business. For many Companies too, we are the first choice in auditing, understanding and solving problems within the organisation.

Our Customers Include:
The BBC, Guys & St Thomas's Hospitals,
The Health & Safety Executive, HM Prison Service, Manchester University, Mattell UK, The Ministry of Defence.
Our list of Corporate Clients speaks for itself


How can our Diploma Courses benefit you professionally?

Stress Management Training by Distance Learning can be learned quickly and is applicable in many settings. You can use our Stress Management Course toolkits as short courses of treatment or as on-going therapeutic activity. Our Downloadable training will enable you to speedily add Stress Management Training to your helping skills so that you will rapidly become a competent practitioner and Stress Management Consultant.

Our Diploma in Stress Management Training covers the theory, information, skills and techniques that you will need to work effectively with individuals and groups, both in private practice, or in any therapeutic or community setting.

Our Diploma in Organisational Stress Management enables you to take these skills into the Company or Organisation as a Consultant, whilst also enabling you to address specific corporate need.

Our Stress Management courses are designed to provide you with a practical toolkit that you can edit with your logo and details for your own Client work. Thus, trainees will find that they can soon put our Stress Courses to use within their current work, private practice or new venture. It is not essential for you to be currently working with Clients in order to undertake our Stress Management courses, you can work through the training practising the Stress Management exercises yourself. We are able to offer a fee reduction if you enroll before the end of the month.

"Well organised comprehensive material, easy to read, wide ranging, good quality training"


Introduction to our diploma course in Stress Management Training

This training course is designed to train both beginners in the field and more experienced trainees to become competent Stress Management Trainers or Stress Management Consultants as rapidly as possible without sacrificing quality of work. To this end, the training is presented in the same eight session format that you can use with your own clients.

These stress courses are both a training package in Stress Management, which can be used immediately as it stands, and an assessed training course leading to the Diploma in Stress Management Training. The training is designed in such a way that trainees can speedily put it to use within their current work or in private practice.

Each session has as its core a Download containing a lecture and a relaxation exercise, both of which you can use directly with your clients. Your work with clients is also guided by session plans. Each session includes two session plans with step-by-step guides to working with individual clients and with groups. There are research notes on various aspects of stress, treatment models, four related therapies and case studies.

The lectures are both for your information and for use with clients. The session plans are to guide your work with clients. The relaxation exercises are both for your information and training and for direct use with clients. The research notes give more in-depth information and the related therapies are for use with clients where appropriate. The case studies are for your information.

We recommend that beginners should undertake the Stress Management courses as though they were both client and trainer. Trainees should work through each of the sessions by practising the relaxation exercises, filling in the questionnaires, logs and stress management forms. This will, together with the study of the research notes, treatment models, related trainings, case studies, lecture scripts and relaxation scripts, give you a good understanding of the theory, skills and techniques of Stress Management Training, together with an insight into the experience of the client.

The individual work in the training emphasises the logs, questionnaires and Stress Management forms to be completed, while the group work emphasises discussion. However, it may suit your individual style as a trainer to use either more questionnaires and Stress Management forms in your group work, or more discussion in your individual work. This training is flexible and open to such changes if they will better suit your individual strengths.

Trainees on the Stress Management Training courses have the choice whether or not to opt for assessment. The course is able to stand both independently as a training package and as an assessed training course. Trainees who complete the course may use the form ‘Dip. Stress Management Training’ after their names.

We very much hope that you enjoy the training course as many trainees have before you and that you find it of immense value, both personally and professionally..







Stress Management Training may also be known as Stress Training, Stress Counselling, Stress Coaching, Relaxation Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.


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